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Pension Dashboard update

You may have seen news in the press about pensions dashboards. The goal of these is to show individuals all their pension information online, securely and in one place — including the State Pension.

Developing and delivering dashboards is a complex project and it’s taking longer than anticipated. Following March’s general announcement of a reset to the Government’s schedule for the Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP), the previous Pensions Minister had provided the first date to go into the revised timeline. Schemes will have until 31 October 2026 to connect to the digital architecture for pensions dashboards. That’s about two and a half years later than previous regulations suggested.

It doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have to wait that long until you can use a pensions dashboard, but if you access one before that date, it won’t necessarily show all your pensions, because not every scheme will have connected to the system.

In the meantime, we can report that the Plan’s Administrators, Gallagher and Aviva, are making good progress with the necessary updates to ensure the quality and digital accessibility of the Plan’s data is ready to connect to the dashboard architecture. For more information on the Pensions Dashboard project, please visit pensionsdashboardsprogramme.org.uk

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